144 = 24 x 32.
1442 = 122, a perfect square. If you reverse the digits, 212 = 441.
144 has a unique representation as a sum of three squares: 144 = 42 + 82 + 82.
144 is a square number. Divide it by 4 and you get 36, which is also square. Does this happen with any other square numbers?
144 is 99 in base 15.

Source: WolframAlpha
1 comment:
You say, "144 is a square number. Divide it by 4 and you get 36, which is also square. Does this happen with any other square numbers?"
The question is ambiguous. Clearly 100, for instance, is a square which, when divided by 4 gives you 25 which is also a square. So indeed any even square must have the property that dividing it by 4 gives you another square. To what property does the word "this" in the question refer?
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