Wednesday, August 11, 2010


332 = 22 x 83.

332 is the number of 2-connected graphs with 7 vertices.

332 is 110022 in base 3; it is 2312 in base 5 and 1312 in base 6.

332 is a number n such that the sum of the first n primes is a prime.

332 is the number of primes less than 10,000 having at least one digit 6.

Tiger 332 is a German Panzer tank from World War II on display at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor in Fort Knox, Kentucky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Other properties of the number 332
The 332 can be represented as
332 can be represented as two Pythagorean triples
332 is a tenth of the difference of two squares
332 can be represented as the sum of a square and a cousin
332=5^2+307=7^2+283=11^2+211= 13^2 +163=15^2+107=17^2+43
Other representations of number 332
332=3^4+251=7^3-11=3^6-397=3^5+89= 5^4-293=7^4-2069
Rafael Parra Machio