676 = 22 x 132.
676 = 262, a perfect square.
676 is the smallest palindromic square whose square root is not palindromic.
676 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 676 = 102 + 242.
676 is a divisor of 994 - 1.
676 is 1010100100 in base 2 (binary).

Source: Number Gossip
1 comment:
Other features of the number 676:
676 is a centered 15-gonal according http://www.virtuesciencie.com./676
676 is 565 and 484 in base12 base11 two palindromes.
676 is a square waving, see A016073and http://mathworld.Wolfram.com/UndulantingNumber
676 is a powerful number, because 676/2^2 and 676/13^2, see A001694 and http://mathworld.Wolfram.com/PowerFullNumber
676 orthic triangle is part of the approach hyperbola Kiepert, see http://mathworld.Wolfram.com/OrthicAxis
676 can be represented as
676 divides 99^4-1 -> 142100
It can also be represented as Pythagorean triples
Rafael Parra Machio
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