Thursday, October 13, 2011


1029 = 3 x 73.

1029 is the smallest order for which there are 19 groups.

1029 is 4433 in base 6, 3000 in base 7, and 333 in base 18. It can be written from base 2 to base 18 using only the digits from 0 to 9.

The sum of the base 2 digits (10000000101) of 1029 equals the sum of the base 4 digits (100011) of 1029.

1029 is the sum of distinct powers of 4: 1029 = 45 + 41 + 40.

The Atari 1029 printer was one of Atari's final printers for the XL series computers in 1984.

1 comment:

  1. why do I see this number twice a day..for the last five years? Even at the weirdest times...running through NYC, had been there for 5 hours, hadn't looked at the time in a few hours and into the port authority and in huge digital numbers 1029! Sometimes when I buy things, the total is my friends see 1029....its very comforting to see this number...OH and there have been plenty of times when watching football, they stop the clock at 1029...WTF
