919 is a prime number.
919 is the 18th centered hexagonal number (hex number).
919 is the smallest palindromic number whose sum of digits (19) shows up as a substring of the number.
919 is the smaller number in the smallest pair of prime numbers that are mutually the sums of the same powers of each other's digits: 919 = 13 + 43 + 53 + 93 and 1459 = 93 + 13 + 93.
919 is the largest known palindromic prime for which the next prime (929) is also palindromic.
919 is the smallest palindromic prime equal to the difference of consecutive cubes:919 = 183 - 173.
Source: Prime Curios!
919 is the 18th centered hexagonal number (hex number).
919 is the smallest palindromic number whose sum of digits (19) shows up as a substring of the number.
919 is the smaller number in the smallest pair of prime numbers that are mutually the sums of the same powers of each other's digits: 919 = 13 + 43 + 53 + 93 and 1459 = 93 + 13 + 93.
919 is the largest known palindromic prime for which the next prime (929) is also palindromic.
919 is the smallest palindromic prime equal to the difference of consecutive cubes:919 = 183 - 173.
Source: Prime Curios!
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