Thursday, June 28, 2012


151 is a prime number.

149 and 151 form a twin prime pair.

151 is a centered decagonal number.

151 is the smallest palindromic prime sandwiched between two consecutive squareful (or non-squarefree) numbers.

151 is the smallest prime that begins a 3-run of sums of five consecutive primes: 151 + 157 + 163 + 167 + 173 = 811; and 811 + 821 + 823 + 827 + 829 = 4111, and 4111 + 4127 + 4129 + 4133 + 4139 = 20639. Can you find the smallest 4-run example?

The Statue of Liberty, from its base to the tip of its torch, was designed to be 151 feet tall.

Source: Prime Curios!

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