Monday, June 11, 2012


965 = 5 x 193.

965 has two representations as a sum of two squares: 965 = 22 + 312 = 172 + 262

965 is the hypotenuse of two primitive Pythagorean triples (A024409): 9652 = 1242 + 9572 = 3872 + 8842 (A165158).

Both 965 and 9652 = 931225 have the same initial digit and the same final digit (A086457).

965 is the number of unit squares at least 50% covered by a circle inscribed in an integer square of size 35 x 35 (A051233).

Source: On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I think my favorite number is, maybe 2, ...or 12. No, wait, my favorite number has to be one because it allows us to get out into infinity by just adding it over and over. Yes, It's got to be one and its sidekick, simple addition... such a powerful duo! (Oops, now I'm back to 2 again!) I give up... it's like trying to pick your favorite child...impossible! (I used to be kinda partial to the square root of 2.)
