Wednesday, June 19, 2013


577 is a prime number.

577 is one of only two prime numbers with a square of the form AABCBC: 5772 = 332929.

577 is the larger of only two three-digit primes that remain prime when inserting one, two, or three zeroes between each digit: 50707, 5007007, 500070007 are primes. The other such prime is 131.

577 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 577 = 12 + 242.

577 is the hypotenuse of a primitive Pythagorean triple: 5772 = 482 + 5752.

577 is 1001000001 in base 2 (binary).

577 is a divisor of 244 - 1.

577 is the number of isomers of the C60H3 Buckminsterfullerene molecule.

Source: Prime Curios!

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