Friday, June 28, 2013


887 is a prime number.

887 is the smallest prime p such that the next consecutive prime is p + 20 (907) (A000230 and A031938).

887 is a prime that results from merging three consecutive digits in the decimal expansion of the golden ratio (A103811). It also results from merging three successive digits in the decimal expansion of the square root of 2 (A198163).

887 is a prime that remains a prime when a single zero is inserted between any two adjacent digits (A215417): 8087 and 8807 are primes.

887 is 1101110111 in base 2 (binary). It is 31313 in base 4.

In 1896, Yorkshire hit up a still-standing County Championship cricket record total of 887 runs against Warwickshire.

Source: Prime Curios!

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