Friday, July 19, 2013


570 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 19. 570 is divisible by exactly four different primes (A033993) Alternatively, it is the product of four distinct primes (A046386).

570 is the product of the only four prime Roman numeral palindromes: 570 = II x III x V x XIX.

570 is a number with 16 divisors (A030634).

570 is the smallest positive even integer that is an unordered sum of two (odd) primes in exactly 31 ways (A023036 and A001172).

570 is the number of 2 x 2 singular integer matrices with elements from {0, . . ., 9} (A059306).

The sum of the digits of 570 raised to its digits' powers is prime (A046431): 55 + 77 + 00 = 826,669, a prime.

Source: Number Gossip

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