Tuesday, August 20, 2013


1878 = 2 x 3 x 313.

1878 is a number with three distinct palindromic factors (A046401).

1878 is 30003 in base 5.

1878 is the sum of two successive prime numbers (A206329): 1878 = 937 + 941. 18782 is also the sum of two successive prime numbers (A213739): 3526884 = 1763431 + 1763453.

1878 is the number of 2 x 2 integer matrices with elements from {1, . . ., 33} whose determinant is 2 (A197168).

1878 is a divisor of 254 - 1.

A transit of of the planet Mercury (as seen from Earth) occurred in the year 1878 (A171466).

Source: On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

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