Wednesday, September 4, 2013


895 = 5 x 179.

895 is a Woodall number. It has the form 2n n - 1 for n = 7 (A003261).

895 is a Smith number (A006753). The sum of the digits of 895 equals the sum of the digits of its prime factors. It is also the smallest multiple of five with a digit sum of 22 (A069534).

895 is a number that has no more than one zero in its binary representation (A089633 and A030130): 1101111111.

895 and the 895th prime (6967) have only the digit 9 in common (A107940).

Every base 5 digit of 895 (12040) is a base 9 digit of 895 (1204) (A037396).

Source: What's Special About This Number?

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