Friday, October 11, 2013


1779 = 3 x 593.

1779 is the smallest number whose 4th power has 13 digits. 1779 is the smallest number whose 8th power has at least 27 digits (A130082).

1779 is 12123 in base 6. It is 911 in base 14.

1779 is a number c such that the difference of consecutive cubes (c + 1)3 - c3 is the sum of two positive cubes (A226902).

1779 is the sum of eight nonzero 6th powers (A003364).

1779 is a divisor of 774 - 1.

1779 was a non-leap year beginning and ending on a Friday (A224943).

Source: What's Special About This Number?

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