Thursday, November 14, 2013


849 = 3 x 283.

849 is the sum of distinct factorials (A059590): 849 = 6! + 5! + 3! + 2! + 1!

849 is a powerful number; it is the sum of positive powers of its digits (A007532): 849 = 83 + 44 + 92.

849 is a number n such that n (849) and the nth prime (6569) have only the digit 9 in common (A107940).

849 is the number of tilings of a 3 x 5 board with 1 x 1 and L-shaped tiles (where the L-shaped tiles cover three squares) (A127867).

Every base 5 digit of 849 is a base 9 digit of 849 (A037396): 11344 and 1143.

849 divides 446 - 1.

Source: On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

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