Friday, March 7, 2014


1826 = 2 x 11 x 83.

The sum of the prime factors of 1826 is equal to product of its digits: 2 + 11 + 83 = 1 x 8 x 2 x 6 = 96.

1826 uses each of the digits from 0 to 4 once in base 5 (24301). It is 2448 in base 9.

1826 is the sum of the third powers of four consecutive primes (A133525): 1826 = 113 + 73 + 53 + 33.

1826 is a decagonal pyramidal number (A007585).

1826 is a number whose square (3334276) starts with three identical digits (A131573).

Source: What's Special About This Number?

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