Thursday, May 1, 2014


7556 = 2 x 2 x 1889.

7556 is 31013 in base 7 (A043017).

7556 is the smallest of four consecutive integers such that their product plus or minus 5 are primes (A174244).

7556 is the number of 9-step walks on a hexagonal lattice (A005549).

7556 is the number of 6-step mappings with five inputs (A005946).

7556 is the number of 5 x 3 binary arrays with a path of adjacent 1s from the upper left corner to anywhere in the right hand column (A069294).

7556 is the number of 6-level rooted trees with 5 leaves (A000405).

7556 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 7556 = 342 + 802.

7556 divides 858 - 1.

Source: OEIS

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