Monday, June 23, 2014


9908 = 2 x 2 x 2477.

9908 is the number of times the digit 2 appears in the first 105 (100,000) digits of pi (A099293).

9908 is the least number that can be expressed as the sum of a prime number and a nonzero square in just 36 different ways (A064283).

9908 is the number of fixed polyominoes with 9 cells (A006762).

9908 is the number of placements of brackets in a monomial of degree 9 in an algebra with two commutative multiplications (A226909).

9908 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 9908 = 382 + 922.

9908 is 304113 in base 5 and 113512 in base 6.

Source: OEIS

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