Tuesday, July 1, 2014


7837 = 17 x 461.

7837 is the number of primes less than 80000 (A038813).

7837 is a number n such that there are 17 primes between 100n and 100n + 99 (A186509).

7837 is a number n such that 27n + 1 is a square (A219258).

7837 is the smaller of two consecutive lucky numbers with the same digital sum (A118566).

7837 has two representations as a sum of two squares: 7837 = 212 + 862 = 592 + 662.

7837 is the hypotenuse of two primitive Pythagorean triples: 78372 = 8752 + 77882 = 36122 + 69552.

7837 divides 4816 - 1.

Source: OEIS

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