Wednesday, September 10, 2014


1793 = 11 x 163.

1793, 1795, 1797. and 1799 are all semiprimes (A092126).

1793 is a pentanacci number (A001591).

1793 is the sum of three distinct cubes in two or more ways (A024974).

1793 is the number of tilings of a 2 x 8 board wth 1 x 1 and L-shaped tiles (where the L-shaped tiles cover 3 squares) (A127864).

1793 is a number such that its digit sum in base 2 and its digit sum in base 10 is in the ratio of 2:10 (A135110).

1793 divides 5815 - 1.

Source: What's Special About This Number?

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