Thursday, November 20, 2014


3001 is a prime number.

2999 and 3001 form a twin prime pair.

3001 is a prime whose digit sum is 4 (A062339). It is the largest 4-digit prime with minimum digit sum (A069664).

3001 is a centered decagonal number (A062786).

3001 is a prime that can be expressed as the sum of distinct powers of 3 (A077717).

3001 is 1/24 of the 24th Fibonacci number.

3001 has a representation as a sum of two squares: 3001 = 202 + 512.

3001 is the hypotenuse of a primitive Pythagorean triple: 30012 = 20402 + 22012.

3001 divides 2015 - 1.

Arthur C. Clarke wrote a book titled 3001: The Final Odyssey.

Source: Prime Curios!

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